Since COVID-19 started and house arrest aka quarantine has kept us sequestered, people have been propelled to live “a new normal life”. With our day-to-day events having moved to our homes, many are using social media to escape the reality. I guess we need some sources of inspiration, entertainment or knowledge to get through each day.
With the constantly growing landscape of inspiring Instagram accounts, so how cease from getting lost and how choose the best ones to follow if you are a hat lover or designer or both? I have done some research and hand-picked my favorite hat inspirational accounts of all sources to follow for you – from fashion influencers, fashion stylists, hat designers, magazines to organizations. So what make them the undeniable refreshing Instagram accounts for your own feed? They provide glimpses of creativity, uniqueness, lifestyle and of course hats!
Here are my 25 aesthetic Instagram accounts you should be following right now.
Nanphanita Jacob, @nanphanitajacob
Maryam Keyhani, @maryamkeyhani
Sarah Sokol Millinery, @sarahsokolmillinery
Amina Hood, @aminahood
Behida Dolić Millinery, @behidadolic
Cha Cha’s House of Ill Repute, @chachashouse
Heirloom, @heirloomhats
Christopher Jay Heller, @christopherjayheller
Vlada Kabattanskaya, @byvladainsta
Karema Deodato Millinery, @karemadeodato
Rodney Patterson, @esenshel
Liis Kalda, @liiskalda
Satya Twena, @satyatwena
Frida Barfod, @fridabarfod
Hat About Town, @hatabouttown
The Headwear Association, @theheadwearassociation
The Hat Circle, @thehatcircle
The Hat Magazine, @thehatmagazine
Judith Boyd, @stylecrone
John & Valerie, @idiosyncraticfashionistas
Angela Jones, @theultimatefashionista
Stephnie Haute Grey Fox, @hautegreyfox
J Guillermo Paleo, @jguillermopaleo
Amy Roiland, @afashionnerd
Kyle, @stylenkyle
Feeling inspired? Then share YOUR most inspirational accounts that brighten your feed with me in comments!
If you loved this selection, share with your girlfriends on Pinterest!

Dear Anita,
Thank you so much for such an informative post on the 25 instagram accounts for hat lovers! I am amaze to read along your blog and discover these wonderful accounts the first time. After all, I love your inspiring content and they just become better each and every day. Keep up the good work.